About Us
Concept Counter is a production house based in Mumbai & Delhi that focuses on good storytelling.
We like telling stories. Long ones, short ones and sometimes even shorter ones. The duration, the subject, the genre are all pretty important, but what eventually, truly matters, is how well the story is told.
Even a good story told badly loses its charm, like an incredibly good joke told badly, becomes...blah!
Try it.
So if you are a brand, we at Concept Counter can help to tell your stories. Better.
Meet the team

Anant Singh
There are movie enthusiasts and then there is Mr.Singh. Anant is our in-house IMDb who breathes in great cinema and breathes out amazing stories. An FTII alumnus, he has donned several hats in the advertising & feature film cinemascope.
He also cooks a mean Thai curry and is crazy about Vietnamese coffee.

Mia Wallace
The Queen
We have often wondered why do we even need a queen? We'll never know the answer. Mia walked in one day and declared us as her subjects. We knew better than to question her majesty!
She likes her siesta in the afternoons and dislikes bones in her fish.

Neiza Silveira
Executive Producer
Neiza is the boss-lady, without her not much can get done. A SIMC graduate, she has over 9 years of experience in advertising and television production.
When she's not being the boss-lady, she can be found saving cats & dogs.

Jatin Tulsiani
Jatin is a director who is always in vogue. Our in-house fashion expert, his attention to detail is unparalleled and has over 12 years of fashion film experience.​
He has an insatiable passion for travel and can often be found taking the road less travelled.

Abhishek Bhatia
Music Director
Our in-house celebrity, Abhishek a.k.a. Curtain Blue, needs no introductions. If you like electronic music, chances are you've seen him play at a festival. His EP is a must have on your playlist.
A travel and fashion enthusiast, he will travel to the end of the world to watch Thom Yorke perform live.